Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sorry for not updating

I know, I know......yes, I've joined the world of Facebook and no longer update the blog.
In the last few months.......Chase finished 9th grade and has his first job, umpiring, Sabrina finished 3rd. Sabrina made the competition dance team at her studio, performed in 3 recitals and got straight A's on her report card! Sam taught ballet and jazz this year (and sometimes Zumba) and her classes were far ahead of the others in the recital. She has a knack for choreography for the young. Made them look better than their abilities actually allow them to be.
Christina still has the cutest baby girls ever and man do they keep her busy ( and me too). Ellie turned 3 last week and I bought her a new bike that she won't have anything to do with. I did bribe her to sit on it so I could at least take a picture. I keep telling her that's it's the coolest trike on the market but she is not impressed. All of us girls (except aunt Sam who was working) went to Build a bear on Ellies birthday and $106.00 later, we had 3 stuffed animals thrown on the floor of the car :(
Dwight, thankfully, has been working ALOT! He's been gone most weekends finishing a bathroom or kitchen somewhere.
I went back to school and finished my first year of nursing school! It was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. I enjoyed it and had a wonderful and kind instructor who restored my confidence and love of nursing. Thank you Dawn.I will start my 2nd year in the fall and graduate in April.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Plastic Hoop

Got some words in my head last weekend and ended up writing them down.A little something about Chase growing up and basketball............

It's his 2nd birthday and what did he get?

A new plastic hoop, with a clean white net.

Practicing shots all over the house,

With claps and cheers from me and my spouse.

I wondered back then, "Will he be any good?"

Then saw how he compared to the kids in the neighborhood.

Trying to spin on his short little fingers,

Frustration on his face and there it would linger.

Finally, he's old enough to play on a team

He's better than others his age, it would seem.

He must have some talent, this small boy of mine

I guess on the court, he's gonna be fine.

As time flies by with a dribble and shot

We begin to see what this boys really got.

Middle school ball and try-outs this time,

He makes it of course, this young man of mine.

Travel ball now, he's playing all spring

No longer does he have to look for a team...

The coaches call him, "We want you" they say.

"Tell your parents it's $300.00 to play."

Our Saturdays are booked with tournaments in towns

That we've never heard of and can't begin to pronounce.

Up at 6 and ready to go

Not many McDonalds we haven't gotten to know.

I'm missing a game and one great move or another,

Like a half court shot,that's made right at the buzzer.

High school is starting and this teenager of mine

Will make the team, I know it this time.

He is so proud when they tell him he's in

A Kettering Captain, how long has it been?

That he's been watching his sisters, cheer, dance and more

Waiting for his chance to get out on that floor?

How many miles have I put on my car?

Picking up from practice

Thank God, It's not far.

Sometimes expecting to pick up just one

Then 4 jump in, "Mom, make a Burger King run."

His coaches say things when they speak to me like-

"He's a leader", "We need him" and "You should be proud"

Didn't they see my beaming face in the crowd?

My fingers are crossed with each trip to the line

If I need the bathroom, I don't go til half time.

One day I come to the gym for a game...and I see him

A man, with my little boys name.

He's spinning the ball on his finger with ease

Making some layups and dropping some 3's.

The hoops no longer plastic, it's 10 feet tall

And giving my 6 footer no problem at all.

When did this happen?When did he grow?

Into this man that I'm lucky to know?

What he doesn't realize is that each time he plays,

It takes me back to those plastic hoop days.

I know he's enjoyed every game , every score

But what he doesn't know is

I enjoyed them more.

Chase is #43 on the far side of the court.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Photography by Ellie

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Time

wow, 3 generations in between them.

My moms new pillowcase.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Playing catch up with the blog

Sabrinas gingerbread house

Sabrina turns 8 with a fashion themed party